Thursday, December 9, 2010

LP Pae ~ Wat PhiKulThong - Phra Somdej Holy Blood BE 2537.

Special: A famous Phra Somdej added LP Pae's Holy Blood and blessed by LP Pae himself in year BE 2537. This batch made 2000++ only. Besides added LP Pae's Relic Holy Blood, plus added LP Pae's hair, kassa cloth, Peh Nah Thong powder, Gems stone and Solid Takruts. All materials are prepared and made in year BE2536. This batch of Somdej was kept in temple after LP Pae admitted to hospital until LP Pae discharged from hospital in year BE 2537, LP Pae strongly blessed this batch of Somdej Holy Blood in year BE 2537. This batch was blessed by LP Pae with Chinabunchorn Katha of Somdej Toh. LP Pae passed away in year BE 2542.

Effect: For special great metta and successful in everything that you do (always do the good deeds), improve wealth